I am newly commited to updating this page on a much more regular basis, yes it is time consuming and probably pointless since there isnt much most of you dont know about my goings on anyways, but apparently some people need things to occupy their day and facebook isnt enough.
The best news of recent is that I am going to Branson, MO for Spring Break with 6 other people. It is going to be a fun time in So. MO as we act a fool and relax in the process.
The "God Hates Me" news of recent is that I was in the right state for the wining ticket but I was in the wrong city by a damn hour or less. Why couldnt the wining $365 Million Ticket been mine?!?!?! Cause "God Hates Me"
What some of you might find to be severely amusing is I accidentally food poisioned myself this weekend and spent Sunday night throwing up in my trash can after bingeing on a variety of junk food. I thought a had a stomach of steal and here I am barfing from junk food.
I cant wait for the warm temps and lots of sun to come back so that I can get back out on the tennis courts I have grown to love so much, not to mention that the French Open is in May followed by Wimbeldon in June, I hope the internship I got in HHI, SC doesnt interfere with my viewing capablities
And yes I am going to put these stupid smilies after every paragraph just so that you can have a visual of what I was feeling as I typed it, in case u were clueless as to the mood of Me.
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