...which path do I take now. While mentally I know that everything that I have accomplished in the past 17 years comes to a point this weekend, I feel that I have not fully grasped my impending end. Where is the wind gonna blow me from now?
At the beginning of my collegiate career I would not have said this, but now I can firmly say that I have been so blessed in the opportunities I have had, the people I have met and befriended, and the life I have been allowed to lead. Canoeing in Utah, Spring Break in Branson, Nights that are rembered because they arent remembered, summer in South Carolina, made and broken friendships, encounters of the night, and pictures worth way more than 1,000 words. It is now sad that I have to package the last 4 years of my life and shove it in the back of a car, discarding what doesnt fit, and move it cross country.
I have no problem crying over a Disney movie, but I cant muster the strength to shed a tear for this momentus occasion. This wouldnt be so bad if I didnt have a nagging fear I would never get to see some of these people again.Yes we can talk to each other online or the phone but it will never compare to hanging out.
There is so much for me to do over the next 2 days. Family comes in town for the first time in 4 years tonight and I will need to provide entertainment as well as perform my normal duties and say my goodbyes.
For now I will move on, but guarantee that my new found time will be used to constantly update people on my mental state, if for nobodys well being but my own.
Peace for now.
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