sucks. Now I remember why I hated it doing it twice a year for the past four years. I thought I had it bad when I had to move in the dorm with the little bit of furniture that I had. Trying moving into an apt. there are so many things to be responsible for. While I am happy to be in the situation that would garner such responsibility, it would be nice if I could just snap my fingers and everything would be done. The big task at hand will take place on Sunday. Fortunate for me I have a cousin that is willing to help with the move-in. Some of the stuff wont be so bad, but there is this one piece of furniture that I am dreading.
Lots of things that I am in the process of rebuying because my move across country saw me donate most of everything I owned. trip to Target tonight to procure some items, maybe Home Depot as well, depends on the time. I am going to miss living con mi abuelos, perro soy bien.(I have been delinquent in my studies, so I felt obligated to do that part)
Thats it for now.