Can someone please explain to me why the hell traffic was so screwed up today?!?! Do area commuters suck that much at driving in anything other than perfect weather?
Commute time from Office door to Apt door: 33mins
Time of that commute spent waiting for the bus: 11 mins
Walk home cause bus was full when it arrived at my stop, the third one on the line: 22 mins
Reason my bus was full: every LARGE person that works for the Fed Govt was catching the bus less than a half mile to Farragut West or Farragut North Metro stops
Here is where my opinion comes in; Metro should institute the following requirement:
All bus trips should be of .75 miles or longer. Any trips shorter in length than .75 miles will be triple the advertised rate.
Obesity is an epidemic in this country and Metro would be doing its part to combat the problem by encouraging people to walk short distance. Mostly, im tired of having to walk home because the busis too packed with fat people going 6 blocks up the street for me to fit.
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