Wednesday, March 8, 2006

I Have Been Made Whole

There are those of you out there who will wonder what has come upon me in these last few days. I have not been my usual always perky self. Well I aint puttin all my business out here in space but I do have good news to bring.

Recent events have caused me to reevaluate things in my life and I have decided to accept Christ as my saviour. Now dont go gettin all worried about me. Yes this means somethins in my life must change, but for the most part I will still be me. The Domo most of you have grown to know and love. Alas I have a new perspective and after truly reading the bible, I can understand why Christians are happy people. Does this excessive happiness flaunted in my face still annoy me? Yes! But do I hate them for it? No.

I am learning to pray and be thankful for things, and I am still not that great about prayer groups or worshiping together, just trying to build that personal relationship right now. So for now keep me in your prayers if you pray and I will work you into mine.

Have a great Day.....SPRING BREAK IS NEAR!!!!!!

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"The Man Who Knows Something, Knows He Knows Nothing at All"