Saturday, June 3, 2006

A great internship and the spoiled kids and annoying rommates it comes with

I Got Me A Good Internship

So I started workin full time at my resort this week, which means i work 10-5pm Mon and 9-5pm Tues-Fri. Its a great internship so far, but..... There are four of us in the apt, 2 per room. 2 are from Jamaica, 1 from the Phillipines and then me from "one flew over the coockoo's nest".

There are so many stories to tell but writin it on the internet does no justice. My roomate eats like a fuckin horse but dont want to buy shit always eatin other peoples shit.."o we share food in this house". 2 of them are border line alcoholics as long as they aint buyin the alcohol. the last one is more dramatic than a spanish soap opera. The 2 jamaicans are always fuckin sleepin on the damn couch like they dont know what the fuck a bed is. and the 2 alcoholics dont wanna clean the fuck up after themeselves in the kitchen like they fuckin want roaches runnin around in this bitch....enough venting for now...if u wanna talk and hear more detail give me a ring

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