Friday, August 4, 2006

45 Hours...

Till I hit the road. Thats right friends and strangers, Sunday mornin at 7am I am hittin the road for Indy. 12 hours of beautiful scenerey and my music. Bathroom breaks will only be had when getting gas; fast food will be consumed in mass quantities; bad drivers will be ignored/avoided; bliss will be achieved.

I am going to get a camera so that I can photo document the journey and if inspired might visit some landmarks along the way. Those who believe in the power of prayer, say a few for me that I arrive at my destinations safely and without loss. While ur at it pray for my dad to who is flippin out as usual because he is paranoid.

Dont know what I will do once I get to Indy, but I am sure there is some kind of trouble I can get into, Maybe a few movies I can watch that I acquired via various methods.

Despite the roomate problems this has been one of the best summers ever! I met some people that I will try to keep in touch with forever and partyed alot! The pictures will be with me forever, or until my computer, iPod, and Facebook crash.

Mis amigos. No puedo esperar para ver cada uno. Novembre para mi cumpleanos en AC, NJ. ¿quién está viniendo?

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