Thursday, April 6, 2006

Back and Blacker Than I Been In A While

Wassup peeps

Thats right I am back in town from my second spring break of the year, and though I do believe the first one was far more memorable than the second, they were both great. I learned some interesting thing during my "spring break" in Tempe, Arizona at the racquetball intercollegiate nationals.

1. I am good enough at racquetball to win a medal, but sucky enough to get my ass kicked by scary lookin women.
2. No matter how much I try to educate my white compatriots about black people they are still goin to make sweeping generalizations that will feel sorry for them.
3. I can become angry when agitated while intoxicated and attempt to stab people with a corckscrew.
4. Arizona is a great place to live from October through April
5. I could date a woman much older than myself and bone her too!!!!

I know I am stupid, crazy and weird, but tell me something I dont know.... Like what is the price of two dozen ostrich eggs in Zimbabwe? I am writing this in my MKT340 class because my prof droans on about nothin forever. No time to do it otherwise, I got a crapload of work to make up do to my second vacation. Signin off for now...
Holla Back

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"The Man Who Knows Something, Knows He Knows Nothing at All"