Saturday, April 26, 2008

Food For Thought....

Are homeless people immune to the temperatures outside or are they just perpetually cold? No matter what time of year it is they seem to have on twice as many clothes as everyone else least the black ones :-(

Why do I listen to my father's instructions? A task that would have take 5 mins had I read the manual, proceeded to take 50 thanks to him. Good thing he knows how to cook.

When did customer service go down the shitter? If your job is to assist me when i come into the store and I have no attitude, you shouldnt either.

WHY THE FUCK IS GAS SO GOD DAMN EXPENSIVE? I henceforth forgo driving anywhere unnecessarily, especially if its sunny. I could use some extra pigmentation and the exercise is always good for me.

Where did my weekends go? I am so sick and tired of running around all day Sat and Sun. Looking forward to a day that I can just lay around and be fat.


JayBee said...

never thought about the homeless clothes thing, but i have noticed it. their behavior should be studied. you listen to your pops because your a dutiful son. me, on the other hand, i never listen to mine. i'll barely talk to him. he actually called me yesterday to ask me to cosign a loan for my brother. i'm like whitney --hell to the naw. customer service has suffered tremendously. people don't act like they need/want your patronage. a lot of them don't try to be helpful (which doesn't mean smothering me, btw). if i get someone with an attitude i try to lighten their mood by addressing them by name, asking them how they feel and genuinely listening to their response so i can use something they say to spark a little small talk. this usually brings them down and now i can get what i came for--some help--sans attitude. gas is high because your boy in penn ave ain't go his ish together. go holla at em for me since you're closer. be careful what you wish for. i know what you mean, but words have power. and if you actually were fat, sitting around is the last phucking thing you'd need to be doing.

Anonymous said...

I think the homeless do that because they don't want anyone to steal their stuff. It may be precious to them, even if we don't see it.

Customer service is horrible and I used to be a sales associate, lmao.

"The Man Who Knows Something, Knows He Knows Nothing at All"