Since I havent had much of anything to write about lately I will take this "opportunity" and play this game for all of about 2 minutes. I was "tagged" by JayBee, an educated & opinionated country boy, and much like him I was a virgin to this "game". The rest goes as follows...
1. Link the person who tagged you…
2. Mention the rules in your blog…
3. Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
4. Tag 6 following bloggers by linking them
5. Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they’ve been tagged.
Something to consider when reading "my quirks" listed below, I dont know if they're really quirks, but does it really matter?
My Quirks:
a.) I hate chain mail and have known to become very passive aggressive towards senders of such wastes of my time. The crap stops here ;-)
b.) I sing loud, passionately, and mostly off key whenever I am driving with little regard to who is riding with me or watching me from outside the car. I dont give a fudge!
c.) Im a stubborn ass when drunk, a loveable ass the rest of the time.
d.) I have no problem talking about bodily functions (especially mine) no matter how unsettling they might be to others.
e.) I can't stand self-absorbed or oblivious people. The sun didn't rise this morning just for you, and unless you are the equivalent of 1.9891 ×1030 kg with the ability to sustain all life the earth aint rotating around you grow the hell up!
f.) I believe in learning and growing constantly, so that I can continue to be unpredictable without trying.
There it is peeps, read it and gag, or roll ur eyes, suck ur teeth, whatever comes to you.
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4 years ago
a) i hate forwards too. when i first got tagged, i kinda wasn't feeling doing it, but because the woman who asked has such a nice smile and pretty hair, i obliged. to me the tag thing is kinda like forwarding email/text messages.
b) i'm a singing fool too! in the shower, in the car. i can do it anywhere. (subtle reference to a song).
c)aren't we all?
d)socially unacceptable - but i don't have a weak stomach or anything so it wouldn't bother me.
e)i can be self-absorbed at times. i don't really think i am, but people say i am so maybe its true.
f) what? i'm still trying to wrap my mind around this.
you are mad funny. the title of your post i guess i'm it :-/ is so funny. i can imagine you sighing or rolling your eyes. opinionated? who says?
What? You're a stubborn drunk??? I had no idea! I thought you just threw up in friends' apartments!!!
LMAO, at the comment above. I have witnessed both b and c, and am eternally grateful that I haven't experienced d.
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