Thursday, March 22, 2007

Fear of the unknown

As the day has worn by ever so slowly, I have been unable to do anything except fear the worst. I know they are only material objects but I wish so hard for the whole event to never have happened. If only I had paid attention. Right now the worst part is not knowning how bad the damage is. Will I be able to fix it? How upset will people be? How much trust will I lose as a result? Too many repercussions to think about and the stress is killing me.

This is not going to bode well for my health. I have prayed at least 100 times today that the damage isnt bad and the situation fixable. Lessons are great for the future, but in the present they suck. I am sure tomorrow will be better, but with so many things to do in the coming days I have to find time to make sure I fix these problems.

Life truly can be a house of falling cards. One piece falls out and the whole house comes down. Currently I am in a not so great streak, but I am sure that I will come through stronger than I was before. GOD superpowers or second chances would be nice right now. I just want 2 mins to do over. This morning from 8:29-8:31 ::SIGH::!

I am out for now. Will sign on tonight with an update on the whole situation. It might be a restless one!

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"The Man Who Knows Something, Knows He Knows Nothing at All"