Friday, May 18, 2007

Theres nothing like

talking about finances with a friend to make you realize how broke you are. I wish I had something more poetic to say but I really dont. I will fight the battle as long as I can, but I think it is a lost cause. I am afraid that I will eventually have to get a credit card to survive. Yes this basically means I am living outside of my means, but tell me how that is any different from at least half of the US right now.

There is a struggle taking place that goes unmentioned. The struggle to stay afloat in a capitalist, consumer-driven, materialistic society. Who are the Jonse's and why do we strive so to achieve this "idealistic" state of life. Can we not be satisfied by the wealth we have in natural resources, family and friends. I realize the true solution to my problem is to shed myself of my material needs, much easier said than done.

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