Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Another Day in the Life....

...another year gone by. What would be a year's end without a little reflection? I wish I had the ability to reflect comparatively from year to year in my life, but large swaths of time elude me. Despite this I can say with confidence that 2007 has to have been in the Top 5 of greatest years of my life; this is largely attributed to how much growth I believe occurred during the year. I dont want this to get boring so you get '07 in a nutshell:

The year started with a job hunt and some temp work, it ended with me landing a new job and holdin down 3 gigs to get by and get the things I need/want. I ran the marathon like I said I would even if I didnt do it faster than Oprah. I moved closer towards my goal of moving to Spain in 2010 by improving my Spanish and acquiring my passport. I threw down in the kitchen too, mastered a meatloaf and a Cheescake.

I dont think I started out the year wanting to meet new people but I definitely made some life long friends and worked on relationships that I hope to have forever. It wouldnt be friendship without some trials and tribulations but the real ones are there in the end and I think I did a damn good job of picking them.

Whats in store for 2008? I am not sure, but I am hoping to maintain the balance in my life I have had over the past year. I will resolve to go out and eat more often, I am content to eat at home but there is so much I can get out hanging with friends and enjoying new culinary experiences. I am going to work on being less self-centered and openly opinionated so that I might be a better more supportive friend. Other goals include working on upping my tennis game, maybe enter a tournament by the years end.

I will continue the struggle to further separate myself from my parents financially so that I can ignore them when I want to which as it turns out is pretty often. Love em to death, but I need my space. Today my mom threatened to disown me cause she hadnt seen me. I saw her last night and everyday for 9 days before that. And they wonder why I am not well adjusted.

I dont need a road map for the year, I am just happy to be taking the trip.

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"The Man Who Knows Something, Knows He Knows Nothing at All"